Monday, September 21, 2015

Vintage Planter, Herbs and Fall Fruits

Hello again already---I'm on a roll now with this being my third post in a week! I was going to wait to do a big fall open house home tour for my next post, but this little vignette on the back patio  came together quite by accident and I thought it was charming and wanted to share.

It all started with this lovely vintage maiden planter by Haeger Pottery. I spotted her at a yard sale and "knew" she was something unique and for .75 I snatched her up.

I immediately thought she would graciously display fall fruits or succulents. The more I looked at her I was sort of mesmerized. I started to think I had really found something. I looked her up online and could only find a few anywhere all $70-$150, describing her as rare. Here is the marking on the bottom.

  The "worth" doesn't really matter to me because I buy what I like but I was glad to know that even 
though I've been out of die-hard junking for a bit due to illness, I still have the eye and the luck.

I found a turquoise cross necklace at a yard sale for a quarter. Looks so lovely on her!

The family went pumpkin perusing this weekend and I always let my son pick a few little ones of his own before we buy our big carvers in October. This year he has gravitated toward warty gourds and mini-pumpkins in light orange and yellow tones. He doesn't mind that I hoarded them for my decorating, he just likes to pick them out. The yellowish ones are not what I would have picked,  but grouped with my lemon thyme with bright green and variegated yellow leaves it makes a beautiful display. Very unexpected and different!

My Roman chamomile is spilling out of the galvanized bucket and smells heavenly interspersed with
the lemon thyme.  I love how it has a mossy look which is just perfect for fall and Halloween. I am babying it (and all my remaining herbs) like  crazy trying to make them last as long as possible. It's time to start drying them out for holiday cooking but I'm just not ready to part with them yet. Herbs and fall fruits make wonderful garden companions.

Our back deck shown in the background is sort of a potting shed and retro junk collecting area. I keep all of my McCoy planters, vintage garden tools, soda crates, and other misc. summery treasures here. When working on outdoor displays I just shop the back deck for something interesting to use. This time I chose an old ivory McCoy pot and a cute autumn squirrel from the garden stash to tie it all together.

The squirrel was a gift from my junkaholic Mother. I love him! And her! She is finally enjoying some  free time during retirement and I'm looking forward to some Autumn junking adventures with her!

Well, I decided to keep the turquoise cross necklace for myself, but the fair maiden looks just as lovely with her long braid spilling over her shoulder anyway.  I really love this display, especially since it came together so easily with what I had on hand. 

I also topped my chamomile with a sweet little ghost pumpkin.  Any time I can group herbs and pumpkins together with vintage junk it's a successful vignette!

Until next time...

*Note- something is up with blogger changing my fonts in a post. Any other bloggers having this issue? It appears fine in editing but the font is different when viewed?

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  1. Amber, I adore your lady. She is just stunning, and what a find for the price! Blogger has been a bit silly lately. I found that saving what I'd typed and closing, then coming back, fixed it. Pesky! Please come and share this at Five Star Frugal linkup at A Tray of Bliss. We love a good find. Love, Mimi xxx

  2. I'm not having trouble with fonts but with spacing. It looks fine until I preview it. I hope you are feeling better these days. I love your wonderful girl. Happy junking this fall.

  3. I really like your outside vignettes. The pumpkin with all of the knobbies on it is my favorite. They have so much character. This is such a fun time of year. Have a lovely evening. Jo

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Amber,
    Thank you for sharing at my party...luv your lady and Fall pretties.


  6. love how you used the old pottery pieces. I too have many pieces of pottery, some of the shapes like yours are quite odd and different all of them I love and now have a new idea of how to display thanks for sharing
    come see what I shared at

  7. Hi Amber,
    Wow I love your vignette! It's so pretty with your girl statue and the cute squirrel. I love the pumpkins. It looks like you are ready for fall!
    I co-host a blog party on Monday called Cooking and Crafting with J & J. I would love to have you share this with us.
    Thanks and have a nice weekend.

  8. Amber, love your lady planter and that s1uirrell is just absolutely darling! I love the mixture of pumpkins and gourds. Your son did good! I thought you had missed the fonts up on purpose. Looks kind of cute. :) Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  9. Hi Amber, just hopping back to let you know that I will be featuring you at SYC today.


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