Sunday, February 2, 2014

Fabby-Shabby Table Makeovers

Happy Sunday! Boy am I on a roll...three days of posts in a row!  The creative juices have really been flowing lately. Just yesterday I showed you my shabby Valentine hearts which you can see here: Shabby Valentine Hearts. Today's is just a quick post to show you some new pieces I've added to my booth.

I found a couple of little tables and a coffee table in need of some shabby-French TLC. Using homemade chalk paint and masking tape I transformed them into real beauties. I had to get them out of my house ASAP or else they were going to end up here for good!

I started with this table. I loved it from the start, especially the curved ends and the carvings. (Sorry for the poor pictures. I originally hadn't really planned to blog about these tables but they turned out better than I expected).
My husband wasn't crazy about it and thought it was boring and tried to talk me out of buying it. I agreed that it was boring, but it would be fabulous. In the end he agreed, I was right, and he was wrong. I will say that again! He admitted, I was right, he was wrong. He loved it! Ahhhh, sweet victory...
Before and After

Oh, I can't be too hard on him! He is a great partner in junk and without his help I couldn't do any of my projects. He mixes the paint, carries things in and out for me, fixes wobbly legs, etc. basically, he does all the hard part and I play. 

 I am in love with it! I am still into grain stripes and probably will be for a couple of more years at least. Also, I've been so into gray lately and wanted to do something with gray but decorating trends in our area are always slow to catch on, and I knew I would do better with painting it white if I wanted a quick sell. As for myself, I plan to start slapping gray on everything soon!

I really, really want to keep this table... but alas, it's in my booth. It's sort of rule I try to follow, to put things in my booth that I can use if they don't sell, that way I win either way.

I also redid two little tables. I had bought them for the specific purpose of redoing them, but I have been feeling so awful that I almost gave them away because the thought of any painting was too daunting. At first I took them into my booth as they were, but they just clashed with everything so I brought them home with the intention of taking them to consignment to try to get my money back. Then I found the coffee table and decided to wait til one of my "good days" and see if I could knock all three pieces out at one time. Turns out they were all pretty quick and easy and I only was down and out for the next day after painting, and I enjoyed working on them so it was worth it.

I decided to do a soft teal French grain stripe on one, and then I got the hair brained idea to do the chevron. Now this was a real pain since I didn't have a stencil. I taped all those zig-zags with masking tape. But it turned out beautifully and the tables make a chic pair.

"NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF PAINT!" How many times do we bloggers and crafters say that? No matter how many pieces I do, it never ceases to amazes me what a little paint and shabby finishing techniques can do.

If you are anywhere near Eastern Kentucky and you are interested in these tables, I can try to help you arrange a pick up. If you haven't already, you should plan a trip to visit The Catlettsburg Antique mall in downtown Catlettsburg, KY. The store is packed with vintage treasures. You are sure to find something special! If you are interested in the tables just send me a message. 

Happy Sunday!



  1. Your tables turned out great, Amber! I love the first one. The grain sack stripe is a nice touch. I've done that on one table I repainted. It is still at my booth {although the table itself is white}.

  2. Dear Amber, Thanks a lot to have stopped and browse in my blog. Thanks also to sharing with all us your incredible and beautiful paint work!!!. Good job!!!.You have a new follower!!!. Many ,many greetings from Rome.
    Eva Costantini

  3. These are ALL so great, Amber. And boy, you hit the nail on the head - things are slow to catch on here.

  4. LOVE how you transformed your tables! They are all fabulous, and I'm sure they won't last long in your booth.
    Mary Alice

  5. You do beautiful work Amber! love those tables. Thanks so much for stopping by, your kindness means the world to me.

  6. I love the power of paint! and what a fabulous job you did! WOW! Love them all!

  7. Great makeover Amber! I would have a difficult time letting it go...

  8. love your tables. i found you at the dedicated house blog.

  9. Glad to see you posting again. Your makeovers are fabulous!

  10. Wow Amber - awesome makeovers! I found you over at the Before and After Wednesday party. You're definitely a Must Follow.
    Marie~The Interior Frugalista

  11. I love all of these--great colors! Thanks for linking up!

  12. the tables with the grainsack stripes Amber!! Nice you make your own chalk paint? Grays and grainsack stripes will be around for a long while hopefully. So glad you found me... I'm going to look around a bit more and see what you've been up to!! Happy weekend:))

  13. I absolutely adore the stripes! This is wonderful inspiration for something I want to do with a piece I have. Thanks for sharing!

    Dropping by from the Thrifty Things Friday Party!



  14. P.S. wish I were in Kentucky.. Those two small tables would be mine! ;-)

  15. Beautifully done. Paint is so magical. It is amazing how it can bring life back into a piece.

  16. These little tables are delightful the way you painted them! I have a little sidetable that's been hanging around waiting for me to do something with it, and your post has given me some inspiration--thanks!

  17. You are so talented with that paintbrush! Love the lines of that first table, but all are cute! Thanks for sharing at TTF!

  18. visiting you from funky junk. These are awesome

  19. I love all of them Amber! The grain sacks are my favorite! I painted a little chevron table for my grands play area under the stairs. I know what you mean! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  20. Wow~ that turned out awesome! Those stripes & the distressing worked like magic.


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