Monday, December 9, 2013

Christmas 2013 Preview!

Hello all! Merry Christmas!  It has taken me an extra long time to get my decorating finished this year so I am just now getting around to my first post since Thanksgiving. Time is really flying and I really hope it slows down so I can savor the season.

This year I think is my favorite Christmas decorating ever, thanks to the farm table and the way our whole home seemed to come together once we brought it in. If you have been following me since I started blogging in 2011, you know that vintage Christmas is my passion, and that I go overboard with Christmas decorating. Now this year was a serious challenge because I am very sick with Lyme disease and every single thing I do is a painful chore or I am sick with flu-like symptoms, but I just let the spirit of Christmas carry me through and I took my time and tried not to over do it. I got a lot of help from my husband. Anything that was above my head or required lifting, he did for me and I am very grateful or else it wouldn't have gotten done. I am not working full time so I have been able to decorate in little spurts throughout the day and rest when I just couldn't decorate anymore, and somehow it all came together just in time for our first real snow of the season.

Tonight's post will are all  iphone photos (not very good quality) and I won't be do much "talking," but hopefully you will see enough make you want to stop by again for my blog "open house" all next week where I will be highlighting vignettes in detail with higher quality pictures.

Here are some things that I will be blogging about in upcoming posts:

The magical view coming downstairs...

            The buffet displaying my antique Victorian dollhouse all decked out for the holidays...

                                                     The dining room Christmas extravaganza...

Vintage Santa and retro-kitschy Christmas junk obsession...
                                                             Even more vintage Christmas treasures...

Rustic farmhouse touches...
                                          Vintage Homespun Holiday...

                                                  Shabby-Vintage Christmas love...

Thanks for stopping by for my preview. I really hope you will come back for the open house!  I hope you will check out my older Christmas posts too, where you can find lots more vintage Christmas junk!


  1. Amber, your home looks terrific. It really inspires me to see you do this, knowing of your AI disease. I have a sister who also has an AI illness (CIDP is the acronym), and I know from her experience how hard everyday living be, let alone decking a house for a holiday - or any day. Enjoy your beautiful home and thanks for the preview.

  2. Beautiful job, Amber! Your dining room looks so cozy and festive.

  3. I love it all, Amber! Magical is just the word that popped into my mind when I saw the photo of your wonderful old doll house! I hope time slows down for us all so we can sit and just enjoy the season for a few quiet moments.

    Merry Christmas, Amber!

  4. Everything looks wonderful! Thanks for your Christmas preview.



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