Saturday, November 10, 2012

Halloween Farewell 2012

Update 2013: I did not get a chance to link up to many parties last year so I will be linking up my Halloween posts from 2012 along with this year's posts too. Be sure to visit my blog in the next few weeks to see what I've come up with for this year!

Original Post:
Well its hard to believe another Halloween has come and gone. It took forever to get all of my decorating done due to a large renovation that we started in October. Trick-Or-Treat is a big deal in our neighborhood and we always have a lot of company, but it snowed! I know we are luckier than those who were dealing with the hurricane for Trick-or-Treat however. Hope everyone is safe and recovering from the storms.

Despite all the drywall dust, power tools and winter weather, Halloween finally happened at our house, and of all days, would you believe it...on October 31st???  My husband and I took personal days from work to get the renovation completely finished and to drag out the last of the decorations and make festive treats. We had family over for a small party and it was a lot of fun despite being completely exhausted and it turned out to be a great Halloween. Here are some of my favorite pictures of this year's decorations.
                                                                  Jaqueline O' Lantern

                                                                       Scurvy Cap'n David

                                                                       Pick Your Poison
                                                                   Macabre Dining
Haunted Welcome
Moonlight Mixer
Witch's Buffet
Belle Of The Halloween Ball
"Belle of the Halloween Ball" is a vintage jewelry bust from my antiques booth that I wanted to dress up for Halloween and use in my mantel display. I used scrapbook paper for the mask and hat and embellished them with vintage junk from my craft stash.  Halloween fun!
(If you missed my Halloween mantel for 2012, here is the link:
I hope you all had a safe and fun Halloween. Farewell to my favorite holiday. See you soon with before and afters of the renovation and Thanksgiving posts!
2013 Parties:
2012 Linking up with:


  1. I enjoyed sharing the Halloween season with you Amber!

  2. Your Halloween decorating is fabulous!!! The doll heads in the goblets crack me up! And the jewelry bust is pretty amazing, too. I'm off to get a closer look at your mantel now. Very, very creative, Amber.

  3. Genious decos. I am just wishing Sweden have this tradition.

    Happy w/end.
    /CC girl

  4. isn't it fun looking back? After I get my décor out each year I look back at the previous year. I like mixing things up and never do the same thing even though I use a lot of the same decorations. Loved the names you've given each picture! Thanks for sharing it with SYC.


Comments from lovely people: