Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pretty Little Post

We have already been back-to-school for a week! August is flying by and I have had no time for blogging, pinning, decorating, or junking lately and I feel so out of sorts. So this evening I decided to make some time to sneak in a "pretty little post" for White Wednesday and the upcoming weekend blog parties. Since I am short on time I am using some things that I had worked on and photographed earlier in the summer, but didn't get a chance to post. Its not a long post but there are lots of pretty little things in yummy whites and creams for you to savor!

To begin, I want to show you the first bottles I embellished back in the spring and early summer.

    The first step of cleaning them is always the most tedious! They were so dirty that I decided to use antique sheet music to cover the bottles entirely. Then came the fun part of adding the vintage lace, buttons, burlap and some scrapbooking stickers. I really enjoyed working on them and I now I am totally hooked on embellished and altered bottles. I have since found other easier and more creative ways cover them: (

            Pictured above is the very first bottle I worked on which inspired several others. In the background you can see some of my favorite junk finds that I worked into a vintage vignette for this photo. Also, I just noticed that after the all of my attention to detail, I neglected to notice one of my son's Lego Star-Wars light saber pieces... No way I am editing that out. That's real life folks!

 While I was working on the bottles I also experiemented with making some coffee filter flowers and paper flowers to put in the bottles.
My first was a very simple carnation with a vintage button in the center

 Next I got brave and tried out a paper flower using antique sheet music with a vintage brooch in the center. This one was tricky, as the old music was fragile and ripped easily. I love it but for now I think I'll stick with the coffee filters or maybe card stock.
        Love this small bottle too. It is topped by my first coffee filter mini-rose. It looks so similar to a dried rose its hard to tell the difference. I will definitely be making more of these!

 I had this "F" sticker in my scrapbooking stash so I personalized this one.

While I was decoupaging away I decided to cover this cheap foam necklace holder to sell, but it turned out so pretty that I had to keep it. After all, I needed another way to display more vintage-blingy finds on my dresser. In the background is a Beethoven inspired bottle that I created and sold the next day in my antiques booth. Of  all the things I made, its the only one that I didn't hoarde for myself  decided to sell.
                      And lastly, a sneak peak of some of the things in our new shabby-romantic bedroom, the perfect place for lots of vintage dreams in whites and creams! Once I get back into the swing of things with school I will be posting the full  bedroom reveal. Until then, have fun blog-hopping!


  1. Loooove how those bottles turned out! You've got some pretty fantastic 'junk' yourself! Kindred spirits :)

  2. Hi Amber,
    I love your words up above, with the Matthew scripture. It is so true, only God can truly satisfy! Thanks for sharing!
    Your bottles are very beautiful! I scrolled down and saw your booth photos. I love how you decorated that too! Very pretty!

    Thank you for visiting my blog, and for your sweet comment!

    Blessings to you for a happy day!

  3. Oh wow everything looks lovely! I found you at Feathered nest. Beautiful blog!


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