Saturday, April 21, 2012

Craft Show Success With Garden Goodies and Upcycled Jewelry

It has been a chilly and rainy day outside, but overall today was a great day. My best friend Amanda and I set up a couple of display tables at a very small craft sale in our local mall. She and I both sold enough to make the sale worth our time and we just had a lot of fun spending the day together anyway. The photos in this post were taken on iphones and the lighting isn't great (beware of the shadows lurking in every picture...) but I think you will enjoy them nonetheless.

Amanda (Ruby's Pocket) concentrates on upcycling vintage jewelry, designing unique blingy accessories, and making boutique style soaps and lip balms which she sells  in her etsy shop: When she needs props and display pieces to show off her gorgeous work, I am happy to oblige.
Amanda and I are very "crafty"
Its so much fun combining our things together because they compliment so beautifully.

A satisfied Ruby's Pocket customer modeling her vintage bling

I found out about the sale late and I didn't have much time to get things together this week, so I decided to simplify matters by focusing soley on a garden decor theme.

 I had been meaning to try out a homemade chalk paint recipe on some terra cotta pots after being inspired by so many of you talented bloggers, so the time crunch forced me into getting them painted. For those of you who are unfamiliar with chalk paint (not chalkboard paint, which I also used) or may have been wondering how to make your own,  I combined two tbs of unsanded grout added to a cup of paint for my recipe. I used the robin's egg blue color that I have become obsessed with as of late and also a creamy white. I like the quick drying time and "distressed" texture. My husband did add dark stain to the pots to seal them because I didn't have any dark wax.

 I am really pleased with how these pots turned out!

 The handles on these antique garden tools were blah so I chalk painted them as well, and now I want to keep them because you can never have too many garden tools, right? Well, its a valid excuse.

I didn't have my display finished when this picture was taken, but I wanted to show you how great these old footlockers turned out using the chalkpaint. Both trunks sold!

After the sale I moved the unsold items to the booth, and I had a really hard time not bringing most of the pots and things home to enjoy, but since I can barely recognize my home due to the mess of paints and projects strewn about, I refrained. I am only asking $3 and $4 for the pots so I think they won't last long anyway.

I love those salvaged rosettes painted up!
 All those garden goodies make me want to get planting! But first, the cleaning.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Linking up:

1 comment:

  1. Very nice!! Love the model! Your table looked so good and I think it got better and better as the day went on from the look of the pictures! Glad you had a good day!


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