Saturday, December 10, 2011

"Two Weeks Before Christmas" Open House Highlights

Revisiting this post for the 2013 Holiday linky parties! A lot has changed with our house but my love of vintage Christmas will never go out of style! I hope you will stop by my blog soon to see my 2013 Holiday home!
Original Post

"Two Weeks Before Christmas"
Its two weeks before Christmas and all through our home, you'll find Christmas treasures, wherever you roam...

like Victorian Santas...
and a burlap -draped tree
Its nearly nine feet, and stunning to see!

And what to your wondering eyes will appear? But a burlap lined mantle...

 and shimmering reindeer!
With bottlebrush trees and bottlebrush wreaths

and a glorious Santa who stands underneath...
The stockings are hung on salvaged shutters with care, near that jolly old guy who fits perfectly there
Just turn to the right, and what you will see, are more Christmas treasures

placed especially by me.

Each one has a story, and most cost just a quarter...( It won't take you long to find out I'm a hoarder.)When I see it, I buy it, and I never regret it, and each one of those stories, I never forget it...
I dug in a box for this old feather tree
...Collected these tins, when I was eighteen...

My banister garland is one-of-a-kind

each item I used is a second-hand find...

When I go Christmas junkin, I'm a girl on a mission,  for all of those vintagey-things I've been wishin.' And when I find them, its purely divine: "That quarter knee-hugger is mine! IT's ALL MINE!"
My eyes, how they twinkle, my heart is so merry (I'm a serious junker.. its really quite scary...)

I may buy things and hoard them, but I also create. If you're a true junker, I know you'll relate.
 I made this collage from things dear to my heart. Its a wonderful thing when your junk is your art!

Now back to the point, I've gotten off track, by the thought of a flea-market peddler's pack...

It is two weeks before Christmas, the most blessed season
and sometimes as we hurry we forget the real reason...
For the most priceless treasure---our Lord Jesus--- his birth,
for goodwill toward men, and peace here on earth.

2013 Parties:
See more of my Christmas decorating here:

Celebrating Christmas with:


  1. Amber - We are going to be good friends! I haven't even looked at any more of your posts! You pulled me in with this one! We have a lot of the same junk. LOL! We will be following you too! ~ Barbara

  2. Oh my. Can I please come and just stand and stare for a little while. I promise you won't even know I am there! Best Twas the Night Before Christmas I have ever read or seen! Merry Christmas! Sandie

  3. Oh my goodness, your Christmas decor is AMAZING! Wow! Beautiful photos, too! Thanks so much for linking up to the Show Your Glow Christmas Tree party. I really enjoyed looking at your pics and reading your poem. :)

  4. I just love all your vintage decorations!! How fun! Everything is so beautiful. :)

  5. Oh so many fun things to look at. I just love that Santa tree?! Merry Christmas to you!


  6. Your Christmas home looks so warm, welcoming and festive. You have so many Santas! I love them all.

    Best Christmas wishes,

  7. I love all of it. Don't even know what to comment on because I want to just move it all into my house.

  8. Fantastic! I'm with you in spirit even though I'm scaling back to simplify my life. I wish you had been at my yard sales this summer!

  9. I love all of it! You are a girl after my heart. I have an elf just like yours (made long before there was Elf on the Shelf), and I also have the outdoor Santa like yours. Your Christmas vignettes are so pretty, and I loved your little rhyme. What a clever and fun post! laurie

  10. I am dying -where to begin! The bannister is amazing!!! Love it! The burlap garland (like mine!) is fab. Don't get me started on that Ralphie wreath either! All the great vintage ornaments, your silver trophy ... I can go on and on. Following along and glad you're following me too.

  11. Oh everything looks just beautiful!
    Thank you for sharing!
    I loved looking....

  12. Your house looks so cozy and warm. Love all your Santas! :)

  13. Your family room is soooo warm! Everything is so cozy. Great job on the writing, too. I hope you will come share your design and writing style with us at my Show & Tell party on Wednesdays. You can find it at

  14. Beautiful; your home looks dreamy and magical!

    The rooms, the trees, the poem!!!
    I didn't know what to look at first. Just amazing, Amber, I love it!

  16. So beautiful, your creativity is astounding! Love the burlap. Pretty! Pinning and tweeting this lovely post, thanks for joining in the fun!!

  17. I love your themed Christmas! Very clever! Decorating for Christmas adds such warmth to our homes! I enjoyed your post and am your newest follower!

  18. Oh goodness you have been busy getting your house all dolled up for the holidays It looks great! love the feather tree in the silver ice bucket and the tablescape is wonderful too!

  19. Thank you for sharing the season and your lovely home at Potpourri Friday! May you have a Merry Christmas and the Happiest of Holidays!

  20. WOW - your vintage collections are amazing! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my feather trees (and following)! Love your white ones. That bannister is amazing!
    Following along.

  21. Beautiful! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home! Have a very Merry Christmas!

  22. I've enjoyed your Christmas house tour. Everything looks so festive. My favorites are all those gorgeous vintage ornaments and the beautiful garland on your stairs. (One of the prettiest I've seen!)

  23. Spending a bit of time visiting and having a wonderful time. Finally, someone as crazy for Christmas as I am. I had 17 trees up this year and trees for every holiday after.
    I will be looking around some more..


  24. Your christmas decors and ornaments look so glam and fabulous!
    How I love the warmth it shows. Happy Holidays!

    Anne Walker
    Christmas tree ideas


Comments from lovely people: