Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sunday Brunch With Butterflies

It's amazing how fast you can create a wildlife habitat with just a few flowers and veggies. And even though unwanted visitors such as aphids can be pesky problems, it's very rewarding to see lots of honeybees (yay!) and butterflies in a new little garden sanctuary you have created. After battling Lyme disease non-stop the past few years, it can sometimes be unnerving to be in nature and around vegetation. But today reminded me that it's worth it to stop and take the time to literally smell the roses (or if you are a butterfly, eat the petunias) and to remember that God is still in control, and that beauty and light will always triumph over darkness. We just have to make the choice to embrace the light and let go of fear. So with my garden gloves on I began deadheading and pushing away my fears of ticks, mosquitos, parasites and disease causing insects, and I was very quickly rewarded with a visitor...

I have been seeing more butterflies around as the garden grows. I wish I had a before picture because there was really nothing to draw them in prior to adding my herbs, flowers and veggies.

This is how our landscaping and garden area is looking. I still have lots in mind to do before fall but it's a start.

It is our first summer here and although the house is great, we really didn't inherit much of interest in the landscape except a grape arbor, some nice hollies and a couple of hydrangeas. The rest has been created from scratch and as you can see there are lots of new places for butterflies to linger.

I was working on deadheading my petunias next to the gnome garden (which I intend to do a post on soon) when this butterfly  decided to stop by for brunch. You can see to the left on the petunia.

I grabbed my phone and started getting as many photos as I could, waiting for it to open its beautiful wings. The sun is so bright today (a welcome change from a predominantly gray-wet July) that the pictures came out very vibrant even without editing.

We have had a dragonfly lately too, but I couldn't find him so this one will have to do for now.

 As I was walking around the garden, I noticed another little beauty who prefers the peach petunias.

I collected some of the petunias I had pruned and made a little fragrant bundle with mint to send a virtual bouquet to my sister.

Yes there are spiders in those rocks. I see them everyday. I have had one tick already this summer. Mosquitos are always a problem. But I fight, I fight fear by embracing beauty and praising our creator no matter what.

Thank you for the world so sweet.
Thank you for the food we eat.
Thank you for the birds that sing (and butterflies that feast)
Thank you God, for everything.

Happy summer Sunday!
For more of my herbs and junk garden click hereGalvanized Garden Goodies and Herbs

