Thursday, August 14, 2014

A "Deer" Summer Vignette

Hello again already! I'm back with another quick post of a "deer" little summer vignette I threw together with some junk I had in my stash. You may remember my sweet deer from previous posts. She surely is one of my all time favorite finds. Today she is enjoying the last days of summer decked in her retro shades and enjoying a cool sip from a vintage coke bottle.

One reason I love blog land is knowing that you Junkers totally "get" how much enjoyment I get from creating a little display like this. Some visitors just sort of look at my stuff in odd way, and although they think it's cute, they just don't get the thrill.
 Call me weird, but I just love this deer in her sunglasses and she truly has made my gloomy summer (health issues) a lot brighter.

She's enjoying her time in Fl. I love that little vintage mini license plate. I found it about a week after I had created the vignette and it was a perfect addition.

She used a vintage map hankie to find her way to FL. (Actually it's a Wyoming state hankie. I know these are hot collectors items, so I'm willing to sell it once my deer makes it back home to settle into her fall vignette-just message me if you are interested!)

                       Fall 2013
I can't believe it's the middle of August and it won't be long until the fall decorating actually begins.

Until then, have a "deer" rest of your summer!

Feathered Nest Friday

Sunday, August 3, 2014

For The Birds

Well this summer really has been "for the birds" for me due to health issues and I really didn't get to enjoy it much or do a lot of decorating. I'm going to spend the next few posts catching up a bit and hopefully I'll be back blogging full force for fall. I can't miss blogging during my favorite season!

Today, however, "for the birds" is dedicated to lovely little birds and has a more positive connotation. I'm going to show you a corner of my dining room that hosts my bird themed treasures.

The 1930's bird cage is a focal point which creates the perfect backdrop for my bird treasures. This year I filled the cage with my vintage McCoy pots and some old floral tins for a summery garden display. 

Back in the spring I found this cool "junk light cover thingy?"" I originally planned to use it on my garden but it ended up making a pretty cloche display on my shabby green side table.
Even though I created this vignette back in the spring I love it so much that I still haven't changed it. The colors and garden theme still seemed to work for summer so I left it alone.

I filled it with some sweet things as you can see, such as an old garden nozzle, tiny chalk painted terra cotta pots and some natural looking eggs.  The bird picture was cut from an old 1800's book that was falling apart.  I got on a vintage frozen Charlotte kick in the spring and was buying them up and altering them to sell in my Junky Chic Boutique, but  like so many of my creations, I ended up keeping her since she is just so cute!
I used old lace and ribbon scraps to make her a dress and an old tiny doily for her hat. A vintage watch piece announces the season.

I display most of my bird treasures on the ledge behind the side table.

I'm pretty sure my whole bird thing started with this lovely vintage tray that I bought many years ago at a yard sale for a quarter. 

Actually most everything in this picture is from a yard sale.
Here is another illustration from the same 1800's book as the picture in the cloche.  You will probably be seeing several more pictures from the same book coming up in future posts. The artwork is just beautiful. 

Well I have enjoyed getting a real post up today! I am looking forward to getting caught up on your lovely blogs and linking up to some parties this week. If you love birds, nests, birdhouses, etc., take a look at my  "For The Birds" board on Pinterest.

Have a great Sunday!parties: