Thursday, July 24, 2014

Catching Up! Good Friday: Behold The Lamb

Update: I have been dealing with Lyme related issues for months, therefore I have been absent from blogging. This post is one I was working on before things got really bad. I am doing a little better now and I hope to get back into blogging soon.  

For the first part of the post I will show you how I simply tweaked my Easter mantel. I decided I wanted to keep a spiritual theme through summer, as I am going through such a difficult time and find peace looking at the Lord's picture. 

I simply took away any Easter-y things and added this old ruler with "A Good Rule" on it, then I just changed some things around. I dropped my new iPhone in water so I had to take these photos with my old one, sorry they aren't clear.

I really like the little brass candle holder for some reason. I'm still looking for something junky-chic and unique to sit on top. 

Now moving on to my original post-

Hello all! I hope you are enjoying this Easter weekend. I had only a quick bit of time to snap a few shots of my mantel earlier on this glorious Good Friday. The beautiful sunshine resulted in glares and less than perfect photos, but our focus today isn't on our homes and decorating, but on our Lord Jesus Christ. This year for Easter I decided to base my mantel theme upon Jesus, the true meaning of Easter.

Behold the lamb of God, who take taketh   
away the sins of the world.
Psalm 23~The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

He is risen!

Best Easter wishes to you all!