Friday, October 26, 2012

Its Halloween Again...

2013 Update: Last year I was late getting this post up in time for all the fun Halloween parties so I'm linking up this year. Enjoy!
All Hallowe'en Greeings to you...
                                    Its Halloween again, when eerie shadows dance in candlelight...

                                           and witches spy through the black cat's eyes...

                                          ...none can escape their bewitching enchantments!



                                                                 You had better beware!!!

                                                      There are strange things brewing...

   and all manner of creepy things stroll about in the night!
When the Jack-O-Lantern man is giving thrill rides... a watermelon-mobile with cucumber wheels??????
Then you will know its finally (a vintage-inspired) Halloween!
Hope you find magic and excitement in unexpected things this All Hallow's Eve!
2013 Parties!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Three Little Pumpkins Sitting On A Plate...

Happy autumn Sunday dear readers! I'm sending a little fall beauty your way with the "Three Little Pumpkins" I just cut off the vine in our garden this morning. Also in keeping with my nerdy  quirky-creative side, I couldn't resist adding my own little version of the well-known finger play, "Five Little Pumpkins Sitting On A Gate." It would seem that I have too much free time on my hands, but that is far from the truth. Actually, I'm swamped, but I try to take time to blog so that I don't overdo it around the house and on projects.

 Every year we toss all of our pumpkins in a pile after Thanksgiving and keep our fingers crossed something will come back the next year. For the past two years all we have gotten are these tiny little ghosties, but to me, its just as exciting as anything because I love them so much. Their size makes them perfect for sweet little fall vignettes.

                                First I decided to photograph them on a pretty ironstone platter.

         Three little pumpkins sitting on a plate...The first one said, "I hope pie is not our fate!"

Then I put them in a favorite ironstone bowl with some vintage lace and buttons.
Three little pumpkins sitting in a bowl, the second one said, "We're so lovely, don't you know?"

For now the three little pumpkins are on my dining room table, displayed on vintage silverplate in front of my latest favorite treasure, a large brown transferware piece. I found it for $8 at the Mt. Sterling, KY Court Days Festival. I didn't find too many treasures this year but I was overjoyed about this one and it made it worth the trip. I have been wanting some brown transferware to add to my fall decorating displays and ironstone collections. I have been pinning a lot of brown transferware lately to my Autumn Splendor  and Vintage Love and Decorating boards too.

                                                             Love. Need want more.

                    Three little pumpkins as a centerpiece display, the third one said, "We look beautiful today!"

                  Have a great week everyone. Don't forget to find beauty in the little things this autumn!
2013 Parties:
Partying at:

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Downstairs Halloween Mantel

Halloween is upon us...time to get decorating!

 Hope you are having as much fun as I am with all your fall and Halloween decor. I am way behind on seasonal decorating due to a home renovation upstairs, so I have been concentrating more on my downstairs this year. In keeping with my "use what you have" decorating mantra, I grabbed some things from around the basement family room to put together this mantel display. I didn't have to buy anything new other than the small pumpkin, but the whole display is "new" this year. I was originally going to use all my vintage  Halloween blow molds on the mantel and around the fireplace, but yesterday I got this large, eerie vintage-looking photo for free from the school library. Actually, its just a plastic poster, but I knew I could make it work. I carefully tore eye holes and used battery operated candles for the eyes. I put an old 1800's picture frame around it and it really looks great! I had also been wanting to use scrabble tiles somewhere in my Halloween decorating this year, so I added the "creepy" description to the mantel display, which I think is quite fitting.

Downstairs we have most of our primitive things and "mantique" finds that my husband collects, so I used the antlers, a silverplate trophy, a very old wooden shoe form, an antique clock, a brown crock and vintage amber glass bottles around the picture (mostly all my husband's junk finds). It gives the impression that these old items belonged to the man in the picture. CREEPY!

Here is a picture at night with the lights on. I had just started here, and as you can see in the first picture, I later added the pumpkin to the top of the trophy and also the old clock. I am always tweaking displays as inspiration hits. With that in mind, I'm off for more inspiration.
Have a great evening!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

An Autumn Morning In The Garden 2012

Hello all lovers of fall! I thought it would be nice to celebrate the arrival of autumn by revisiting one of my favorite posts of 2012 for this week's blog parties. Hope it inspires you to enjoy all the beauty fall has to offer!

Original Post:

 Happy Autumn morning! Won't you take a little walk outside with me and look at the fall beauty in my front yard garden and porch? The air is cool and crisp, there is a magical mist in the air and the colors are delightful...
The Celtic girl in me loves fall magic! Cead Mile Failte~"a hundred thousand (Autumn) welcomes!"

Here around my porch garden I specifically planted the purple coleus, ornamental grass, and shamrocks in the late summer to compliment the fall colors of pumpkins, gourds, and ornamental kale. And now, the time has come!
A mix of my favorite pumpkin varieties, autumn kale, mums, and old urns.
The leaves strewn about from last night's rain add the perfect finishing touch.

Instead of using plants in my large urn this year, I decided to top it with a  colossal, unique pumpkin. I was at the right place at the right time when I was pumpkin browsing at a local nursery. I snatched this big fairytale pumpkin right as it was unloaded off the cart. I love its Halloween "patina" of  orange and mottled dark green, so dark its almost black.

Creepy crows and a rusty cage add whimsy to the garden.
                       See the little lone fall pansy peeking out in this picture? Aren't pansies so sweet?

           A little French inspiration. Purples and sage greens, a welcome addition to the traditional     warm fall palette.

                           Autumn ferns, kale, and English ivy....the textures are so pleasing.
 Long-lasting herbs, bright mums, and a rusty vintage love.

 Here is a sneak peak of this year's window box. I am loving that salvaged lead glass window I purchased for $1 at an estate sale over a year ago. I finally found a spot for it which is far better than letting the spiders hang out on it in the basement. I would love to show you more, but its getting really bright as the sun is coming up and its hard to get good pictures. For now, I'm going back inside to snuggle up in my favorite leather chair with a cozy blanket, coffee and some more fall pinspiration.

 Hope you'll come back a little later this fall and I'll show you more. Thanks for joining me! Enjoy the rest of this lovely autumn day!
I was featured!
2013 Parties:

Friday, October 5, 2012

Fun With Altered Ancestors

I love altered art! I spend a lot of my time online looking at amazing vintage inspired creations made from junk and salvage pieces that so many talented bloggers have shared. I have sort of dabbled in altered art for years, but until the internet I didn't realize other people shared my interest. It all goes back to holding on to the past, making something beautiful out of junk, preserving memories and creating new ones, and having unique items as decor in our homes.

With that in mind, I have had this picture of my great-great-great grandparents for many years. I uploaded it last year with the intention of photoshopping and restoring it but never got around to it. I was messing with picmonkey yesterday while making a new Halloween banner for my blog, so I decided to go ahead and edit the picture while I was at it. I didn't have an intention of altering it at the time.

This is a picture my grandfather's great-grandparents, Colsby (aka Colby, Caleb) Lyon and his wife Phoebe Jayne Lyon.The original photo is a drawing and it is falling apart, which makes it particularly tricky to work with. Colby, as my pappaw always called him, was the son of Jesse Lyon who founded Blaine KY, where they settled. Colby was the great grandson of William Lyon who fought in the Revolutionary war and immigrated to America directly from Scotland. 
It is this part of my family tree that stems directly to the Queen Mother, Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon.
My grandfather, John Lyon and his identical twin brother, Ed, (a.k.a. "Sonny and Buddy") were great-grandsons of Colby and Phoebe Jayne Lyon.

I am very blessed that my dear grandfather and uncle were so diligent in collecting information about our interesting genealogy long before there was They spent many hours traveling and researching, gathering interesting pictures, artifacts and information that has made it so easy for me while doing my own research. I remember seeing this particular photo as a very young girl and being fascinated by it.

Here is the best I could do using pickmonkey. I like the canvas grain tool that gives the effect of a painting. I am thinking of printing this on cardstock and decopauging it on a wooden plaque.

I love my Lyon family history, and I even love the ancestors that I could never possibly have met. Because of my Pappaw, I have so much information about these people that I do feel as if I know them. One aspect about my Clan Lyon family that is certain--- we all have very strong senses of humor and love to joke and cut up. My dad keeps us all in stitches at family gatherings and my grandfather and his brothers and were the same way. With that in mind, I didn't feel as if I had disrespected my anscestors by creating this...

It all came about when I thought that the picture was too badly damaged for my photoshop skills. So I decided to have some fun. I love how it turned out! Many of us Lyon kids love the Beatles, hence the John Lennon glasses. We also love gardening and nature, so I incorporated those elements in as well. I was going for a little bit of steampunk too. I am definitely going to frame this and display it in the house, and now I have the inspiration to alter other anscestors too. How 'bout I just add something else to my ever growing to-do list? Alas, its what I do. I even hoard ideas.

Eventually I will get the picture professionally restored, but for now, I feel so happy to have made this little piece of art as a tribute to family members that I somehow know in my heart. To some this may seem disrespectful, but I truly feel that if they knew that almost 150 years later one of their descendant grandchildren would care enough about them to proudly display their picture as art in her home, they would be touched and pleased. I hope my descendants will one day read my blog with interest too!

Yes, Grandpa Colby, you added many branches to the Lyon family tree, and yes, Grandma Phoebe, we most certainly did inherit your good looks and sense of humor!

Laughing and partying with: